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The Power Of Beetroot!

By Anne LaingIn a recent study conducted by Professor Andy Jones of Exeter University (Pub. Journal of Applied Physiology) it was found that BEETROOT JUICE increased stamina by making muscles more fuel-efficient.

Test subjects who drank the juice were able to cycle 16% longer before they were tired out. This backs up previous research on the subject showing that beetroot juice improved stamina.

How does this work? Well, beetroot juice has been found to increase blood nitrate levels and reduce the muscles demand for ATP (Adenosine tri-phosphate) – the body’s main energy source in the muscle. Beetroot juice nearly DOUBLED the amount of nitrates and cut the rate at which the muscle uses up energy and oxygen in the Exeter study.

“While our previous research demonstrated the benefits of nitrate-rich beetroot juice on stamina”, Prof Jones said, “our latest work indicates this is consequent to a reduced energy cost of muscle force production.”

He added, “Since our first study came out we have seen growing interest in the benefits of drinking beetroot juice in the world of professional sport, and I expect this (latest) study to attract more attention from athletes.”


We have been aware of the un-tapped power of beetroot juice for many years, but up until now have lacked any solid evidence to support our suspicions!

Last year we incorporated raw organic beetroot into the power smoothies made up for the drivers in Team RAC in the British Touring Car Champs, and the drivers reported a noticable improvement in concentration and stamina.

There is an additional application when considering the CORPORATE ATHLETE, especially when a large part of optimising performance in the office and boardroom is centered around the creation of additional energy.

Incorporating raw organic beetroot juice into a daily regime, especially in the morning, may increase energy and clarity, as well as reducing fatigue.

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