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Too Busy To Eat Lunch?

By Tim Bean

When would you consider it more important to work hardest on taking the best care of yourself – when things are tough and stressful, or when things are easy and cushy?

When times are toughest, right?

The times when things are hectic and stressful are the very times you really need to work hardest on building and maintaining the engine that drives you – your body – to prevent it breaking down when you need it the most.

The current business climate is becoming harder, not easier, and we increasingly have to do more with less. Greater workload and pressure is falling upon fewer shoulders…and we are all getting older, not younger.

With each month that passes, how many of us are getting in better shape rather than worse? How many are building more energy rather than less? How many are getting better sleep rather than poorer?

Time spent working on your nutrition, your energy and your recovery isn’t a cost – it’s an investment in building a better, more effective and more efficient biological machine.

A stronger, well-maintained body will resist the damaging effects of stress, pressure and long hours far better than one that has been neglected.

Don’t miss a workout. Don’t miss a meal. Don’t cut short on quality sleep.

If you fail to prioritise your basic body maintenance, it won’t be a question of IF you break down, it will only be a matter of “when”…


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